Cedaen. Residencia de ancianos


nursing homes almeria

Caring for an elderly person takes effort and dedication and often involves waivers to another way of life, to devote more time to the patient that to the rest of family, to friends, to yourself. Fortunately, caring also means discovering skills and abilities that otherwise we would have gone unnoticed. It can also lead to the establishment of a closer relationship with the person we care or with other relatives.

In most cases, the family care with dedication and affection to their relatives responding to their needs. Although, nowadays in Spain institutions provide very important aid ,relatives are definitely the main source of support and help for the elderly.

Caregivers venture, by imposing their reality on a task with a great deal of effort and willpower, but along the way they are exposed to a number of emotions and feelings. Some of them are positive, such as feelings of satisfaction for contributing to the welfare of a loved one. But too often, there are negatives, like the feeling of helplessness, guilt, loneliness, worry or sadness. Sometimes caregivers have felt that his health has deteriorated since they began caring for their older relatives.

It is important that the caregiver has sufficient knowledge to help him prepare for this care work, meet professionals and manage roadmaps reference that allows them to recognize and express their concerns and feelings about the disease, the patient and himself as a caregiver.

The Family School CEDAEN center aims to fill that place of training, of positive support, of guide, of the management of stress and sadness and to develop strategies to address those emotions and feelings.

The Family School is performed biweekly and is opend to the general public without any cost to those caregivers whose relatives whether or not they reside in the center.